by Allison Datu

Advertising is not all about competition, but effective communication. The goal is to capture at first glance the attention and eventually the loyalty of your target consumers. Even the most successful companies need to advertise despite them being at the top of mind. It is through advertising that companies can create an added awareness to their products and in turn spark a call to action to buy them. It is a kind of strategy to create recall to your target market. However, not all advertising can make your business a success. A catchy and effective one does. Here are 4 tips to get your audience interested:

  1. Relate to your target audience

Remember that time when you wanted to surprise your loved one for his or her birthday or any occasion for that matter, your head was full of ideas with that person’s interests in mind. You wanted him/her to have the best and memorable one there is. To not only surprise, but add a little twist. That’s how it is like for advertising. When thinking of a witty idea, always relate it to your target audience. Try placing yourself in their shoes and lay the specifics. Say for example your client owns an ice cream product, and their desired target market are tight budgeted university students in their first year. Try thinking of an ad related to their needs. You can’t attract the latter if your ad is leaning towards the elite class. This also applies where to place your ads whether your target are more likely to use the social media or not.

Selecta Cornetto Chocoberry’s Roller Coaster

In Rollercoaster, Selecta has uniquely advertised their product by showing how high your level of satisfaction could be if you will choose cornetto instead of other high priced goods or services. The idea was witty at the same time was able to connect with their target market who would want to use their money wisely.

  1. Stay relevant

Get yourself up to date with the latest trends and dates, especially if it is culture-related. Take advantage while the hype is still on. Your target market can definitely relate and if you’re effective enough, your ad can stay on the top of mind for decades or even become a trend itself. Publish during events such as Christmas, or Father’s day. One example of a great ad was “Kwentong Jollibee Valentine series.” Not only did they use the hype of the occasion, but they also showcased the purest and various forms of love – something that Filipinos can relate to as they are emotional and loving individuals. 

Kwentong Jollibee Valentine Series’ The Vow

The Vow portrayed the story of a guy’s unconditional and unrequited love for his best friend. The ad broke the internet because of the countless reactions from different individuals worldwide who were able to relate especially those who have experienced being in love and friend zoned in the process.

Nestle Nido’s For Our #1 Lolas

#1 Lolas was one of the most famous YouTube ads on the internet as it showcased the unchanging love of all mothers passed down from generation to generation. This ad was able to open the hearts of many Filipinos as it touched the nation’s family oriented culture.

  1. Keep it simple

Most of the time, even the simplest ideas are the strongest ones. Ask yourself the usual guide questions: What do I want to make them feel? What do I want to make them think and do as a result of advertising? From these, try thinking of an idea and get your message across with only a single minded proposition. Just focus and try adding a little twist. One of your goals is to attract at first glance. Make sure to get your message out there without cluttering five ideas at a time. Moreover, do not be afraid to exaggerate, but do not overthink as well. Remember you only have about 30 seconds to a minute or 2, so make every bit count!

Camella Homes’ Sikip

In Sikip, Camella has presented the simple and pure joy the little girl had when they were able to purchase a new house. The ad can be considered as memorable for the ad’s cute and catchy jingle accompanied with the child’s genuine actions and laugh that has attracted most viewers.

  1. Think outside of the box

Always strive to be unique. Your product is not the only one out there. Although I mentioned earlier to keep it simple, simplicity also applies when connecting two unrelated but, witty ideas. There is no such thing as a bad idea, so don’t scrap your previous ones either. Jot them down and keep a list. You can never know how witty and timely your past and future ideas may be!


 Pepsi’s Liter of Light

In Pepsi’s Liter of light, it combined the goal of advertising their product and looking for volunteers or donors in bringing solar-powered lights to various communities across the Philippines at the same time. Advertising and giving hope all in one.

For a side tip, always believe in yourself. Be confident in getting your ideas out there. Your idea might not work today, but it might turn into a trend tomorrow. There is no point in putting yourself down so stand up and get your creative juices running. Good luck to all creative thinkers out there!
