Through graphics, customer journey mapping provides understanding about the flow of sales and the overall customer experience. It also provides four benefits in digital marketing. Creating a customer journey map requires careful analysis of various data. You can do it on your own by following the succeeding points.

Gather the touchpoints of customer interaction.

A touchpoint is a way or a place that allows a customer to interact with a business. It can be through the website, social media platforms, an app, via phone or face-to-face. To start a customer journey map, you have to determine all the available touchpoints that your company uses to determine the entry points of a sale.

Conduct research about the intensity of each touchpoint.

Every touchpoint is different. You need to use different tools to determine the level of interaction that each touchpoint delivers. To evaluate your digital marketing touchpoints, you can use Google Analytics, social media insights, WordPress insights plugin and other tracking tools. This way, you’ll be able to present the most and least effective touchpoints in the map.

Review customer feedback.

In order to accurately present a customer journey map, you also have to read customer feedback, including their expectations and pains. You can do this by reading printed and online feedback forms, social media and blog comments, and consumer posts on reliable forums.

 Analyze and design the customer journey map.

After analyzing the data, you can finally start designing a visually appealing and comprehensible customer journey map.

Like many factors in digital marketing, the buying patterns and the intensity of touchpoints also change continually. Hundreds of new platforms that could possibly contribute to the buying cycle also arise each day. Therefore, it is recommended to update and optimize your customer journey map on a regular basis.
