bye have a great time gago 2016 - Page 2 of 6 - Rising Tide Digital Inc.

What’s Performance-Based Marketing?

What’s Performance-Based Marketing?

Most businesses run advertisements online. Some SME (small and medium enterprise) owners would even try to set up their own accounts and run digital ads for themselves, such as self-service Facebook or Instagram ads. While it may be easy to run your own...
Why Brands Should Consider E-Commerce

Why Brands Should Consider E-Commerce

The spending habits of consumers have drastically changed throughout the years. Gone are the days when people have to drag themselves all the way to the nearest mall when they have to buy something. With the rise of e-commerce in the 21st century, consumers can now...
Branded Content Experiences vs. Traditional Ads

Branded Content Experiences vs. Traditional Ads

The era of straightforward advertising may be over. Brands and companies now realize that customers do not want to simply look at products and their specifications. Consumers now want an entertaining and immersive experience that would make them feel good about the...
Government Pages That Win in Social Media

Government Pages That Win in Social Media

Over the years, government offices in the country have earned a notorious reputation for being inefficient in disseminating information and providing services to citizens. You might have previously heard some reports of faulty government help desks or might have...
Different campaign executions you can do with SMS

Different campaign executions you can do with SMS

The future is now and mobile marketing is the next big thing. Mobile is unlocking possibilities for brands and marketers. SMS, a huge component of mobile marketing, still proves to be an effective way to advertise to customers. As a brand manager or marketer, you may...